


Infore venture phase II fund was found

Released time:2011-01-17Pageviews:27967

The popular PE "money shortage" has not affected Infore venture capital: In just two months, Infore capital raised 400 million yuan. On November 15, Infore venture phase II fund —— “Infore advanced manufacturing and consumption upgrade equity investment fund” establishment of general assembly was successfully held in the headquarter of Infore Investment Holding Group.

“ Lv Dan, general manager of Infore venture capital said that this achievement benefited from several factors. First, the fund has invested 10 projects since its inception. Some projects have been widely recognized by investors in the process of filing, which has laid a good foundation for the fund raising. Second, "Infore advanced manufacturing and consumption upgrade equity investment fund" investment direction --- the advanced manufacturing and consumption upgrading industry not only conforms to the national industrial development policy, but also contains huge investment opportunities. Supported by Infore Group and Midea Group, it has wide blending space and obvious advantages.

Infore venture phase II fund adopt the market operation way. The investment bank foshan branch, which has rich experience in private equity fund issuance, is selected as the cooperative institution of the fund. This is one of reasons that Infore venture phase II fund successfully launched. The advantages and features of Infore venture phase II fund gained full recognition and support from the bank. After the road show on September 6, Infore venture has been deeply involved in various branches, and has in-depth and detailed explanations on the product characteristics and the value created by the investors, which makes phase II fund impressive.

At the inaugural meeting, Lv Dan, general manager of Infore venture capital, made the preparatory work and work plan of Infore venture phase II to phase II fund LP. Lv Dan first analyzed the current situation of the PE industry. He pointed out that in the current market environment, the PE industry faces new challenges and opportunities. He proposed several solutions to the current industry's impetuousness, lack of professional team, lack of understanding of the industry, lack of service ability, and competition for the homogeneity of Pre-IPO. First, Infore will always adhere to the sound investment style and value investment philosophy, establish a broad project reserve pool, and standardize the investment process. Through more long-term project tracking, comprehensively evaluate project risks, control investment rhythm, and provide value-added services through resource support to improve the quality and value of invested enterprises; Second, Infore venture capital has attracted excellent talents and established more than ten professional management teams. Team members' professional expertise and professional experience are complementary to ensure the high success rate of investment;

Third, Infore has chosen the advanced manufacturing and consumption upgrading industry with the most advantages, and combined with the investment projects to cover the familiar territory. Fourth, Infore continuously strengthen for the investment project of value-added services, to provide the investment projects including strategic planning, brand building, process reengineering, channel marketing, grafting advanced technology, internal control system construction, cost control plan, cash flow management, and capital market operation plan a full range of value-added services; Fifth, aiming at the homogenization competition of the pre-ipo in the industry, Infore has put forward the transformation model and differentiated competition, and positioned the development direction to dig into a certain industry and make fine details. then, in the premise of deepening the understanding of the industry, the investment stage has been moved forward, relying on value-added service capacity and corporate growth. He Jianfeng, Infore Investment Holding Group, raised higher expectations for the operation of the second fund. He hopes that Infore venture will mine its own quality projects. On the other hand, Infore venture provides all-round services for the investment projects, and will soon become a professional investment company with industry foresight, clear investment direction and unique competitive advantage.

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